
Executive Coaching
Coaching is a collaborative and creative process to help individuals increase engagement, performance and wellbeing. We use a holistic and systematic approach, all underpinned by evidence-based research. All of our coaching takes on a developmental angle – helping to ensure people grow, that change is lasting, and they are equipped to self-manage more proficiently beyond the engagement.
Intensive Leadership Development Program
This process incorporates a bespoke 360-degree feedback process to help identify the central, and most powerful developmental angles that can help leaders be more effective and influential within their roles. The in-depth coaching program utilises a systemic lens to help broaden perspectives and challenge existing narratives, which is crucial for all leaders in this dynamic and complex environment.
Team Coaching
Team coaching is becoming a more popular approach as people understand the benefits it can provide. As diversity in teams and organisations continues to proliferate, it’s important to understand how to most effectively harness its benefits. We help teams work on dialogue and other collaborative processes to facilitate greater teamwork, creativity and innovation, and emergent outcomes.

Programs & Workshops
Post Covid Work Model
A proprietary model developed to help address current challenges given systemic changes and new working approaches. This is based around the key components of Self-Determination Theory (competence, autonomy and relatedness) with an overarching focus on well-being. This workshop helps optimise performance for individuals, teams and organisations through understanding psychological needs and benefits and how they integrate into the “new” workplace.
Well-being & Peak Performance
A holistic approach to well-being and peak performance, integrating multiple facets of these complex constructs for a healthy, aligned and meaningful existence. This workshop lends from various theories including positive psychology, mindfulness, flow and contemporary high-performance models. Meaning and purpose are a key paradigm impacting well-being that we also explore in this workshop. Participants will come away with tangible tools and approaches to optimise well-being and facilitate high performance in all parts of their lives.
Emotional Intelligence (EI)
The way we feel can enhance or impair the decisions that we make, the behaviour we display and therefore our performance, both in the workplace and in life generally. Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, understand, express, reason with, and manage emotions within oneself and others. Applied at work emotional intelligence is about how intelligently we use emotions to achieve desired results.
As more and more work processes become automated, soft skills utilising our emotional intelligence become more critical, particularly in management and leadership roles. This workshop helps underline why these skills are becoming even more important today, and how we can foster and develop them over time.
Typically, this workshop would be coupled with individual assessments, debriefs and ongoing coaching to help formulate and deliver on clear developmental pathways.
Mental Toughness (MT)
Mental toughness can be defined as “A personality trait which determines, in large part, how individuals deal with stressors, pressure, opportunity and challenge...irrespective of the prevailing situation.” When people talk about “attitude”, this is essentially the 4 key constructs of MT....
Having a can-do approach
Delivery orientated
Response to change
MT has implications for agility, aspiration, performance, engagement and well-being, and can be developed – in fact studies show that up to 25% variation in performance explained by MT.
This workshop covers the key components of MT, how it can be developed and is usually held in conjunction with an assessment, debrief and coaching program.
Manager as Coach
As trust, autonomy and empowerment become key enablers in today’s work environment, its essential managers have the basic coaching skills and mentality in order to build, support and develop their teams most effectively. As managers develop their teams in this framework performance and congruence will be maximised. Instilling a “coaching” vs “managing” approach where communication, connection and developmental pathways become a key retention strategy. Managers will come away from this workshop with new strategies to guide, engage and develop their teams.
Values are our basic and fundamental beliefs that inform our behaviour and actions, and play a significant role in motivation and life satisfaction. This workshop is focussed around helping individuals identify their own personal values, and integrating them into the organisations purpose and vision. By socialising personal values across teams, we can build understanding and connection, leading to more positive relationships, communication and collaboration.
Small Business Strategy
This 1-day workshop, specifically designed for start-ups and small businesses, helps identify and then integrate personal and organisational values into a clear business vision and purpose. We then incorporate this into business strategy and start shaping milestones, goals and action points to help drive the business forward. This program is ideally coupled with ongoing coaching (individual, group or team) to facilitate goal attainment through the accountability, support and challenge we provide.

Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitator
Everything DiSC® is a personal development learning experience that measures preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC Application Suite.
Participants receive personalised insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective.
The result is a more engaged, collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organisation—whether your workforce is remote, in the office, or somewhere in between
Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team Facilitator
Teamwork is one of the most underdeveloped strategic advantages today. To help tap into your competitive advantage, The Five Behaviours has a simple goal: to facilitate a learning experience that helps professionals and their organisations discover what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team.
Based on Patrick Lencioni’s bestselling book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, and developed by Wiley, the program identifies and addresses the five biggest challenges faced by teams in organisations; an absence of trust, not engaging in productive conflict, a lack of commitment, not being held accountable and not achieving collective results.
By identifying and addressing these destructive behaviours, this program works to develop teams into the most productive and cohesive versions of themselves.
Genos Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a set of skills that help us better perceive, understand and manage emotions in ourselves and in others. Collectively they help us make intelligent responses to, and use of, emotions. These skills are as important as your intellect (IQ) in determining success in work and in life. Everyone, no matter what job function, has interactions with other people. Your capacity to understand your emotions, to be aware of them and how they impact the way you behave and relate to others, will improve your ‘people skills and help you ultimately be more satisfied and successful.
Applied Emotional Intelligence – The Difference It Makes:
In the workplace, emotional intelligence underlies our self-awareness, empathy, leadership and resilience. In our world of ‘do more with less’, where continuous change is the norm and effective collaboration is essential, these skills are fundamental to our success. People who have been through our programs feel better at work, facilitate more productive work environments, and better lead and engage others.
MTQ – Mental Toughness
The MTQ48 assessment is a unique 48 item high-quality psychometric measure that measures Mental Toughness which describes the mindset that every person adopts in everything they do. It is closely related to qualities such as character, resilience and grit.
Published research and case studies from around the world show that Mental Toughness is a major factor in:
Performance – explaining up to 25% of the variation in performance in individuals
Positive Behaviour – more engaged, more positive, more “can do”
Wellbeing – more content, better stress management, less prone to bullying
Aspirations – more ambitious, prepared to manage more risk
Squadify makes teamwork work. It’s a one of a kind team effectiveness and acceleration tool that gives any team, anywhere, the data they need to have the right conversation to truly connect and drive performance. Our technology is backed by science, proven with research, and affordable and accessible to everyone.
Squadify was founded by a team of leadership experts with over 20 years of experience and research in leadership and team effectiveness, working with leading global organisations in over 30 countries. Working with hundreds of organisations globally helped us to codify the exact conditions required to create success in teams and the psychology of how they can achieve it.